
#75 – Race Photos are Bullshit

It seems race photos are a hot topic and everyone has an opinion! But are they bullshit or not. The answer is, inevitably, more complicated than that.

We speculate on better sponsors for the London marathon based purely on how fun they are to say, Amy doesn’t run an ultra, we read our favourite email ever, mock some shoes and talk about poo.

Oh, and Stu ran a marathon.

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One reply on “#75 – Race Photos are Bullshit”

Hello Stewart – good to meet you on the run during the Newport Marathon and many thanks for the shout out in episode 75. I hope your toenail is growing back. Impressed that you only slipped a couple of mins off the 4:15 pacer. I slipped 19! Any plans for 2022 running? I’m doing an episode soon on that topic asking listeners to send in a couple of minutes of audio saying ‘ this is ….and my plans are….x,y,z races / adventures.’ If you fancy doing that (Amy may wish to do it as well) send to the email on this form and do mention your podcast in the clip. Note: No swearing please!! Finally I’m planning to return the shout out at the beginning of my next episode. If I can extract the bit from your podcast that talked about me are you ok with that? Thanks very much and keep on podcasting! Regards Trevor

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